Soaps Made in U.S.A.
Lip Tins

Lip Tins

Lip Tins

These are easy, flip open compac with our same medisinal Shea butter qualities, now a hint of lemon. Flip it open, using your finger or included wand to apply the lotion to your skin.

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Our Shea Butter lip balm Now Available in a new flip-open compac and is an extremely simple lip balm. In accordance with the AZ Sungold Soap philosophy (to make the simplest products possible with a minimum of ingredients), this simple formula has been put together. It is a basic Shea Butter lip balm, it may also contain Candelilla and/or Japan wax)What could be simpler? And it really works.

Shea Butter has been known for its moisturizing properties for thousands of years in Africa. It is said that Africans use Shea Butter directly on their skin and hair. This includes the lips, we believe. This refined Shea Butter is a white, odorless substance. Shea Butter comes from a tree in Africa, called the Mangifolia, and the nut of this tree is what is utilized in making the Shea Butter.

In the course of our research, we have come across testimonials of Shea Butter being used as a balm in Europe and that it has healing properties. However, this is all hearsay. AZSungold Soap has not actually seen any scientific evidence on the healing effects of Shea Butter. However, Shea Butter is being studied in the scientific community for its unique properties. It also goes by the name of Karite.

What is fascinating about Shea Butter is that it has properties of both oil and wax. Unlike other lip balms, that are created through the use of synthetics, our Shea product contains natural shea oil and wax properties. It's waxy esters is an all natural lip balm.

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