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About Us


The above Picture was taken in 2001with our Kodak camera, was originally published in Black n White, was copied by others, but since we resurrected the color version, added the SunGold lettering and republished in color.

Our AZ Sungold Soaps product was born in 2001 out of a personal desire for a truly unscented soap that would be free from all animal products, scents and chemicals We're a Sunny Arizona, USA based business. Our original focus was to make small batches of soap by hand, for ourselves and family. The word got around and we started making soap to sell and SungoldSoaps was born. We ramped up our production, had growing pains but invested in new equipment and facility, including various iterations in on our WebSite.

But after a few minor setbacks, a name and location change we still make all of its products with great care using our cold process method.


The soap is 'cold process' handmade, bar soap is hand cut (sorry for some size inperfections) AND all made of pure vegetable oils and distilled water. Our mission ha always been to provide the simplest and purest products possible. This means we do NOT include any additional ingredients, or scents other than 3 basic soap making ingredients.

YES, Our soap is pure soap.

In this age of additives and highly refined products, it is refreshing to have products that are as simple as possible. We see a natural beauty in our soap. It is the natural beauty of a simple product. This simple beauty is what we achieve at AZ Sungold Soaps.

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